Posts Tagged ‘thank you’

love letter

Posted: July 15, 2013 in Uncategorized
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Love survives .. someone once wondered .. which would really has the higher power on our hearts love or fear ?! .. 
to me .. i believe its .. only faith has the strongest power on our hearts .. and faith  is only a high level of love .. the highest .. 
aint easy ..aint always about happiness  but about .. alway being there . always staying next to eachother this to be .. take a true strong love . 
this is a thankful letter i shall write each of its letters with love .. each of its lines with a stronger faith .. a believe in goodness in hearts .. in blessness in lives .. a believe that was brought .. maybe sent with him .. him who walked in to my life and changed it all upside down .. no downside up .. him who taught me ..never to give up . 

to you who gave the joy to my name .. I love you . 
